School is almost done! What can you do to prepare for next year?

Ms. Wolfe, the career and college specialist here at BHS, has some tips for each grade level on how you can prepare.

Stefan Modec, Staff Writer


What happens beyond high school is a stressful thought no matter what grade you are in. Preparation can be overwhelming if you wait till the last minute to prepare. Ms. Wolfe, the career and college specialist here at BHS, has some tips for each grade level on how you can prepare.
For freshmen, take advantage of the summer to dive into finding what interests you. This can include talking to people in that interest area, summer camps, etc. Also take the time to rejuvenate in anticipation of the school year.
Moving onto sophomore year you’ll want to dive right in and start taking classes that not only interest you, but are also more challenging if you feel ready to academically take that on. During this year you should focus on working towards good grades and establishing a strong gpa, as Ms. Wolfe says “the stronger your GPA, the more doors are going to be open for you in the following years.” During the summer, see if you can dive into a passion area; start looking for paid work or volunteer work that can give you exposure to the field of work you may be interested in.
For your junior year, the grades you get are typically the grades colleges will look at if you apply for college in the fall of your senior year. Because of this, there will be a strong emphasis on how you do academically this year. Another major aspect of your junior year is the introduction of standardized tests such as the practice ACT and eventually taking the real ACT. Similar to the previous years, use your junior year to continue to figure out what interests may be options for future employment.
When figuring out which field of work you are interested in going into, you must also take into consideration whether you need to go to college for that field, or if you can take alternative options such as doing your studies through military experience, apprenticeship, or on the job training.
For juniors becoming seniors next year, take the summer not only to discover what you want to do, but also to plan your educational future. This could include searching for and visiting potential colleges you’d be interested in going to, or if you are going down the military path, talk to recruiters and start studying for the ASVAB test. A summer job will also be very beneficial to you. Remember, it is also not to early to start looking at scholarships as many will become open to you in the fall of senior year.
For current seniors who are graduating, Ms. Wolfe says you have a “world of adventure ahead of you.” Find work and start saving money for whatever you plan on doing. If you’re going to college, get to know your college roommate, take any placement tests you need to, and attend orientation events to get to know your future school.
With school ending, Ms. Wolfe gave us one last tip; Remember to enjoy some relaxation time during the summer, and spend time with friends and family before the next school year.