The Mckinley Olympics


Morgan Lease

One of the Mckinley Olympics, Award papers.

Morgan Lease


The annual track and Field meet for the Mckinley elementary school was on friday May, 15.  This is an event that the student and teachers look forward to all year it is a great way to get all the kids up and going.

Each grade has their own colored shirts and before the events start they have a ceremony celebrating them, each class gets to pick a country’s flag and pick out music that they are going to be using when they walk into the school.

Some Parents, guardians and other family members take the day off and come to the school to watch the students. Lori Lease says “I took a half day, because it’s important to my kids.”  Not every parent can go, and some of those who could not come the whole time were able to go for a little while to see their kids.”

“The Mckinley Olympics was very fun I would always look forward to going every year.” says Kelly Schultz (9th). There are a lot of kids at mckinley who love track and field, which is also known as the mckinley olympics.

But their are a few that don’t, which might be contributed to the fact that they are not used to being physically active, which means they might not get good colors.The students are rated on their colors, blue is the best, red is in the middle, and yellow is the last one. Each grade is given a goal at which they try to make in order to reach the red and the blue.

Some of the events include The long jump, Soccer Kick, 50 Yard Dash, Bean Bag Toss, Overhead Climb, Obstacle Course for the little kids and Long Jump, Soccer kick, 50 Yard Dash, Basketball, and many other different ones.

Every year at the end of the day their are four teams, three of which are fifth grade students and the other team is composed of teachers. There are checkpoints at opposite ends of the track. When a person on the team comes to the checkpoint they pass their baton on to the next person and that person gets to race the next part of the race. This went on four times until four of the students won and the teachers coming in a close second.

After all the events are done the students go back to their classrooms and they get popsicles, their parents can check them out of their classes, so that they don’t have to take the bus home.  Did you like track and field as a kid? What was it like for you as a kid?