A Day With Ailee Leppi

Chufue Yang


My name is Ailee and this is a glimpse into my everyday routine. My alarm is set for 5:30 a.m, but in reality I get up at 6:00. a.m. I usually get ready right after I get out of bed. On a good day, I usually leave my house around 6:45 a.m with a cup of coffee in my hand, cinnamon bon creamer to be precise. My dad drives me and my friend Alyssa Anderson, she’s always late to school. We arrive at BHS around 7 and the two of us sit in the cafeteria until the 2 minute bell rings.

My first class is Honors Geometry with Mr. Way. I like the class, it’s very fast paced. I have Journalism with Mr. Loo second hour and his sarcasm is not always needed, but it’s always exciting because it’s something new everyday. Third hour rolls around and I have Honors English with Mr. Banse. It’s a really fun class because english classes are always super chill and the fact that we are allowed to eat snacks, that’s always a plus. I still don’t know how I feel about having two writing classes in a row, but again, they’re always super fun. I have Foods fourth hour with Mrs. Orluck. It’s a really fun class because who does not like making food? It’s nice to have a foods class fourth hour because I have E lunch, so on days we are cooking, it’s nice to eat something rather than putting mystery food into my body. Last but not least, History with Mr. Pettis. It’s a super easy class as long as you have a pulse. It’s a great way to end my day with a super easy and chill class.

After school, I ride home with my friend Erin and we normally get food or we hangout. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I trap shoot after school, so I leave with Dannyelle and Chrystal Moon.

That’s about it.