Veterans Day

Veterans Day

Emily Adofo, Editor


Today is the day where we honor the Veterans who have voluntarily served to keep our countries freedom. We honor the fallen soldiers, we honor the missing in action soldiers, we honor the prisoners of war soldiers, and we honor the soldiers who are still serving today. Blaine High School put on a Veterans Day presentation, and one of the things that stood out to me was the quote mentioned by the keynote speaker “freedom is a high price to pay..” Veterans who have served and are still serving pay the price of our freedom everyday.

Veterans make it possible for us children to go to school everyday without a seconds thought of worrying whether or not our school will be blown up, they make it possible for the adults to go to work every morning and not worry about having a plane fly into their building, they make it possible for us not to worry about things we often times take for granted. This day is about remembering the people that protect our country’s past, present, and future.

The presentation that was hosted at Blaine High School today was a small portion of gratitude that we can pay towards the Veterans who make it possible for our country to be free. Today’s presentation has inspired many students at Blaine High School to join the armed forces, it has sparked a light in some people about how much it means to be truly free, and lastly it made people realize how much our Veterans do for our country. Thank you Vets for all that you do!