An Introduction to Mimi Vo


Nhu Vo or as she prefer to be called, Mimi, because most people can’t pronounce her first name right. A freshman of Blaine High School, she is in CEMS (Center for Engineering, Mathematics and Science). The CEMS schedule as she told me, was not very different from the regular schedule aside from a few classes. Mimi plans to go into the area of work of Civil Engineers or Architects, and the CEMS program teaches the type of things in that field. She is still unsure if she will pursue those occupations but right now she’s testing the waters and learn those subjects.


Aside from being in CEMS and playing the violin; Mimi is also involve in Math Team after school on Mondays and Fridays. She stated the reason she joined the math team was because, “I made it a goal for myself to be involve in some after school clubs or team. I picked Math Team because the concepts were interesting, and I liked how it didn’t interfere with my schedule since I have extracurricular activities outside of school too.” Mimi has attended 4 out of 5 meets before the season ended. Since this is her first year, Mimi hasn’t officially competed in the competitions but she comes to test in the categories instead. She made it in categories A and B.

Mimi’s hobbies include knit, crochet, cross stitching, beading, and watching dramas. But her absolutely favorite thing to do is, listening to songs on the piano and she really wants to learn to play the instrument. In her free time, she tries to learn Mandarin as she has already speak Vietnamese fluently and learning one more language aside from French wouldn’t hurt. She told me that in 6th grade, she memorized 91 numbers of Pi. In 8th grade, on Pi Day (March 14th), Mimi’s middle school held a school wide competition to see who would memorized the most numbers of Pi. She ended up memorizing about 333 numbers of the never ending Pi. One of the ways Mimi contributes to the community is by volunteering at the Johnsville Library. Mimi is a quiet person and shy person but once you get to know her, she’s a very friendly person who you would love to make friends with.