The Undefeated Bengals Win Again
Boys JV Lacrosse game
April 29, 2015
Boys lacrosse is a sport played with 10 field players on each side, and in total there are 4 total positions attack-men, midfielders, defense-men, and goaltender.
The attackmen are the primary offensive players who are looking to feed and score. They generally don’t play defense and they’re the three players kept on the opposite side of the midline while the ball is at the other end of the field. The midfielders play offense and defense, following the flow of the game and getting involved at both ends of the field. The role of the defensemen is generally to stop the opposing attackmen from creating offense or scoring. Occasionally, a defenseman will be dispatched to cover a dominant opposing midfielder. In addition to stopping shots and getting the ball out of the defensive end, goalies are also responsible for directing the defense.
Blaine High School’s JV boys lacrosse won in their game against Totino-Grace. They scored 8-0 on Wednesday the April 22, adding another win to their three others. With a spotless record like this who would not want be celebrating, but what does Totino-Grace have to say about the loss?
We interviewed some of the players of Totino-Grace’s JV lacrosse team and got a few answers that we did not expect.
Such as after asking how they felt about the end result of the game, Sam C. and Alex S. replied with “we played better than what was reflected in the points and I feel like we did a pretty good job, but we can’t win em’ all.” From Sam and from Alex “Well I thought it went fairly well for us and I feel that we had fairly good clears and defense but blaine’s a good team.”
But not all the players felt that way. Zach C. from Totino-Grace responded to the question with “We did really bad. I don’t know, I guess they’re a good team and we’re not.” What an unexpected answer coming from the player of another team.
Although the Blaine JV lacrosse is currently undefeated, they may have a tough road ahead of them. Coach Swart stated that he is “pleased with the end result of the game” but that “the team will be facing harder opponents.” Are the Blaine boys set to win for the rest of the season or is this just their 15 minutes of fame?