Schools starting early in the morning brings many negative effects for students and teachers. I think they should start schools later, so students will get more sleep and their learning will be at its best. Many students don’t get enough sleep on school days because their schools start too early. When students get more sleep, they are less likely to wake up late, which leads to fewer tardies and absences. Teens who reported they got at least eight hours of sleep per night were more likely to say they have good overall health and less likely to report being depressed or using caffeine and other substances, per a study by the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota.
Research shows that starting school later brings beneficial effects for students and their learning experience. Some negative effects from starting school later would be that it brings scheduling conflicts, transportation challenges, and other problems. Many sporting events would be pushed later, which means that games would end late at night. In an article published by rwjf.org it says “Nearly half (46%) of the U.S. high schools that begin classes before 8 a.m. are filled with teenagers who have not received the 8+ hours of sleep that young people need.” Teens should get from 8 to 10 hours of sleep for their bodies to function properly. Although it is the students’ decision for the amount of sleep they get, schools are contributing to the poor amount of sleep they are getting. According to cdc.gov “Adolescents who do not get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight. Not engage in daily physical activity. Suffer from symptoms of depression. Engage in unhealthy risk behaviors such as drinking, smoking tobacco, and using illicit drugs. Perform poorly in school.”
Not getting enough sleep can have a lot of negatives on a students mental and physical health. Schools should reschedule sports and events accordingly so they can make schools start later. Me and many other people would agree that the positives of starting schools later outweigh the negatives.