Blaine High School Clubs
Many students at Blaine high school have ranging activities that they enjoy and wish there was a way they could share it with their community. One way to get back to our community that Blaine had always provided is with after-school clubs and activities.
One of the best ways to build a sense of community is to join a club, you can make new friends, learn new things, and expand your interests. Even if you don’t want to join a club for social gain, clubs look good on both college and job applications that can help you in the future.

We asked Shannon Gerrety, the Activities Director at Blaine High School, about clubs and other after-school activities. He told us that “anyone can make a club as long as it’s not hateful and brings down a certain group of people! There are no regulations and there is no certain number of people that have to be Just as long as you are interested in it.”We asked him what advice he would give to those wanting to join a club. “We tell freshmen when they come in to leave your footprint on the school and make an impact. We also advertise all of our clubs on the Blaine Activities Website. It will give you a list of all the clubs and any information you need about them.” We asked him what makes Blaine’s clubs different from others he responded by saying “our motto is Blaine High School clubs are for Blaine High School students run by Blaine Highschool students.”
If you have an interest that you think would make a good club at Blaine High School and there isn’t one already established that you should take the time to try and make one. Once you know that you will have people who are interested you should talk to Shanon Gerrety in the Activities Finance Office and he will help you in the process.

Keiran Hobot, a freshman at Blaine High School, had actually started Blaine High School’s Chess Club. When asked about the process of making a club he told us “The process was actually surprisingly simple. I had wanted to start a Chess Club and so I had to talk to a teacher to agree to supervise the club so we could use their room. From there I just set a day and told people to show up.” When asked why he thinks others should do clubs he said “It is fun! You get to do something that you enjoy and it will look good on future applications.”
We also spoke to Lauren Didur, a freshman at Blaine High School. Lauren is very involved in Blaine High School’s after-school activities some of which are Art Club, Ceramics Club, Chess Club, Book Club, amongst others. We asked why she involves herself with so many clubs, she said “I think it is so cool that I get the opportunity to go and learn and hang out with my friends outside of the classroom.” We asked her what she would tell others about clubs, she said “I think you should at least do one club, it looks good on applications and it is a great way to connect with your community.”