Bengals’ Last Game, at U.S. Bank Stadium
U.S. Bank Stadium looms over the crowds of fans funneling into the game.
Blaine students fill the stands long before the Bengals hit the field.
Hopeful Blaine fans pose for a pre-game photo.
The Bengals hit the field and fall into their Warm-Up lines as part of their pre-game ritual.
The Bengals finish warm-up preparation. Energy rises in the final minutes before the game begins.
A quickly paced game commences. Players are tense knowing what is at stake.
Down after down, the Bengals play hard.
The Bengals fall behind on the scoreboard.
Bengal Fans feel the heaviness of disappointment realizing there is no hope for Blaine to make a comeback.
On the sidelines, the Bengals break down; each anticipating defeat.
The Bengals lose. Players from both teams fall at center field, recognizing each other’s hard work. Blaine says goodbye to the field until next fall.