A Note to Next Year’s Freshmen

A Note to Next Year's Freshmen

Corrine Olson, Blueprint Staff


It’s the beginning of May, and us freshmen have almost made it through our first year of high school, though, let’s face it: basically, none of us knew what we were getting into on the first day of school. So I’ve taken the liberty of asking a few people from my grade what they wished they knew before stepping foot into BHS.

I, myself, being a student from the Fridley district, would’ve liked to know that the best way to make good friends is by joining after-school activities. You can’t be shy when you want to join the book club, or GSA, or the Blueprint. Even student-run activities like Caroling Band (sadly, the organizers of that are graduating this year) are good.

Although, I’m sure you don’t just want me to tell you what could be best for you- here are some things that other people want you to know:

  • Make a friend your first day
  • Not all your friends will stick around
  • Make friends with upperclassmen
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions
  • Do your homework on time
  • Retake tests
  • Write down all your locker combinations
  • Don’t get involved in drama
  • Don’t start it either
  • Don’t overstress
  • High school is a lot better than middle school

And so this is the advice that I’ve collected for you all! Take note, and I hope you’re ready for your first year at BHS!