How to Handle the Spring 2018

Where is Spring?
April 19, 2018
Look outside, Spring is here! Or is it? Technically speaking yes, of course, the season of Spring is upon us, but there’s something about the weather outside that’s just not delivering the fresh warm feeling of Springtime.
Though the two feet of snow that is now covering the majority of our lawns is destined to melt; how does one know when to start their Spring activities? Or in a much deeper thought; how does one know what a Spring activity is at the moment? So many questions and hopefully these five solutions on how to enjoying your spring may help you out within the next few weeks as we all wait for the snow to fully recede into the luscious green grass that we all have been waiting for.
#1 Treating Spring… Like Spring.
The first step to having a great Spring is accepting that for the time being this is the Spring we are stuck with. After doing so, simply treat Spring… like Spring. Go outside and enjoy the outdoors as you would any other year.
#2 Go For a Swim.
Yes that’s right, you read it correct. Put on your swimsuit, open your front door, and jump into a backstroke across your front lawn. After all, Minnesotans don’t get cold.
#3 Build an Enormous Snowman
Though it looks like Winter, the weather outside is gradually getting warmer leaving us with sticky course snow which is perfect for making one last enormous snowman before the season officially turns into Spring. In order to do so follow these three steps:
- Shovel all the snow from your lawn into one large pile.
- Split the pile into three large sections.
- Shape each section into a gigantic sphere than roll each one onto the other making an enormous snowman.
#4 Using Your Driveway as a Free Gym Membership
For those of you reading who have failed to shovel the two feet of snow off of their driveway, like me, you’re in luck. Because of the fluctuations of temperature between day and night the snow on our driveways is heavy and full of moisture. Instead of trying to work on your summer bod in an expensive gym, do it for free out in your own driveway. Grab a shovel and watch as you easily burn those calories that have been haunting you since lunch.
#5 Passing the Time
If you are not one who enjoys spending time outside during this so called “Spring”, than there are plenty of ways to pass the time indoors as well. Netflix and Youtube are perfect outlets for you to get lost in as we all wait for the snow to go away, and the grass to come back.
I believe that Spring will show its true face sooner rather than later. But in the meantime, good luck with handling this year’s Spring and hopefully this article helped inspire at least one way for you to enjoy your Spring of 2018.