The End of a Great Year

The End of a Great Year

Emily Adofo, Editor


As we end yet another school year, we say goodbye to our teachers, staff, and friends for the summer. The graduating class of 2016 says goodbye to four years of their life, and the memories they have made within those four years. The juniors become the seniors – reminiscing about how they will spend their final year of high school. The sophomores will now become upper classism, and finally seen as (somewhat) equal to us seniors. The freshmen become sophomores still trying to find their place in this school – and a new batch of eager new freshmen await the glory days that are amongst them. And the cycle will only continue.

When you think back to this following school year, what do you see? Was it everything you had hoped it to be and much more? I hope you see a year entailed with many special memories uniquely knit to yourself, I hope you see yourself as the person who made new friends or tried new things. Or better yet, I hope you saw yourself as the person who stepped out of their comfort zone and experienced new things.

One thing that I think everyone fails to recognize is how fast time exceeds by us. These four years are not by any means the best years of your life like the high school movies may depict. However; these four years help shape and mold you into the person you were meant to become. You only have four years to create as many memories you can before you realize you will be moving on to the next chapter of your life.

With that being said, if you looked back to this following year, and you did not like what you saw – change it. Be that person who made new friends and tried new things, be that person who steps out of their comfort zone, be that person who creates memories worth remembering. Go to as many football games as you can, try new things like debate or speech, join the math club or robotics team. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to experience new things.

Make this a great summer worth remembering. Have fun, and soak up the sun, and in the fall come back to the Blaine High School eager to start yet another school year.