A Review And Summary On The Captivating New Movie: Crimson Peak
October 20, 2015
Warning Spoilers Ahead in the Summary!!!
There will be a warning before Summary begins.
Crimson Peak, having just been released into theaters, is classified as a horror and a fantasy movie. After seeing previews for this movie on television, I was interested in seeing the movie.
Last night I went to go see this particular movie with some friends. Before we went to see it we read the description of the movie that read:
“In the aftermath of a family tragedy, an aspiring author is torn between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of a mysterious outsider. Trying to escape the ghosts of her past, she is swept away to a house that breathes, bleeds…and remembers.”
We went into the movie interested in seeing some of our favorite actors and expecting to be blown away, to see creepy spirits, and to be scared out of our wits.The movie partially delivered our expectations.
The movie did blow us away, and we did see creepy spirits. However I for one, didn’t find the movie scary in the slightest bit. The movie is more of a puzzle to the mind than it is a horror movie, personally I would have categorized it as a mystery movie.
It is a figure-out-the-pieces-of-the-puzzle-as-you-go type of movie. Which easily captivated my friends and I. And despite specifically going to the theater to be spooked, we were mildly disappointed about that fact, we enjoyed the movie more than we thought we would have walking into the theater. It is better in the context of the movie in that sense as well.
We all left the theater conversing about the movie crazily, it definitely isn’t a movie we will be forgetting soon. The movie is good for people who like to think and guess about upcoming events. It is also a movie that makes more sense at the ending and even after you have finished watching it. The plot makes more sense as it sinks into your mind.
Personally I would recommend this particular movie to my friends and family and to anybody who is intrigued by this topic and style of movie. It is very fascinating, mysterious, and surprising with its plot twists throughout the movie.
I very much enjoyed the movie, and I’d be willing to purchase it when it comes out to DVD. Or to even go and see it again while it is in theaters.
Summary: Warning Spoilers!!!
Do not read this if you don’t want the movie to be spoiled!!!
You have been warned!
The movie started out with the main character, Edith Cushing, recounting on how she knows that ghosts are real. She has a flashback of when she was younger at her mothers funeral. One night as a child, she is crying in her bed when a shadowy figure appears down the hall from her bedroom. She turns away and the ghost of her deceased mother grabs her shoulder and yells “Beware of Crimson Peak” before young Edith screams and the ghost vanishes.
The movie then goes to the present day for the setting. Edith is an author in the works of a ghost story. After visiting an editor that rejected her work she types up her story and decides to send it in elsewhere, claiming that it was perhaps her handwriting was “too feminine” to be accepted. While she is typing in the workplace of her father, a man comes up to her. A man by the name of Sir Thomas Sharpe. He compliments her story and asks her about the ghost the story has saying something along the lines of “Where I come from, ghosts aren’t taken lightly.”
Edith later that day goes in to see Thomas’s proposal for her Fathers workplace. It is declined and Edith’s father, Carter Cushing, makes it obvious that he has a certain disliking to the young man. Although Mr. Cushing doesn’t know what it is, he senses something off about Thomas and his sister Lucille.
A few days pass and Edith spends time with Thomas and Lucille, giving Thomas more chapters of her story she is writing for him to read.
One night while the Cushing’s have a dinner party Mr. Cushing speaks with Thomas and Lucille, explaining that he had their backgrounds checked. He wants them away and gives them a check for the morning train to get out of town. He also advises Thomas to break his daughters heart before doing so.
At the dinner, Thomas announces his departure with his sister in the morning. Edith excuses herself from the table and Thomas then follows, abiding by her fathers second condition, and he breaks her heart by insulting her and her story. She then slaps him and runs to her room.
In the morning Edith is feeling depressed, the maid walks in telling her that Thomas returned her chapters of her story and a letter. Edith opens and reads the letter, explaining what Mr. Cushing had Thomas do, and rushes to the hotel to find him. At the hotel while Thomas and Edith were conversing about the contents of the letter, a man in a black suit walks up and announced to Edith that she would have to identify the body which presumably belongs to her father. And it was her fathers body.
Edith then gets married to Sir Thomas Sharpe, and they return to Thomas’s enormous house in England. That is fairly distant from any towns or other properties While she is there Edith begins seeing her ghosts again from the moment she gets there. In the evenings she will awaken and here sounds. Once she investigates these sounds she sees red skeletons crawling or stumbling after her moaning, and screeching. She runs away from them and they leave her be after awhile.
Edith’s experiences aren’t confined to just evenings, however that is when the majority take place. One evening Edith wakes in the middle of the night coughing up blood. Reaching for her husband, she finds that he is missing from her bed. Getting out of bed she runs into another supernatural entity, distracting her from her investigation as to where her husband vanished to. Getting trapped in the elevator taking her to the lower level of the house, where Thomas told her to never go. While down there she finds a mysterious box which she doesn’t have the key to unlock
One morning Edith asks Thomas while he is working on his invention for mining if there have been any deaths in the house. Thomas is taken aback and explains how the house is very old and it is a possibility that there have been some that have passed away in the house. Thomas burns his hand and Edith takes him inside to tend to it. While there Thomas mentions Crimson Peak. Edith immediately recognizes the words form her deceased mothers warning. She asks Thomas about Crimson Peak. He explains that the house was built on Crimson Peak.
That night Edith awakens to coughing blood once again, and with er husband once again missing from her bed she starts walking down the halls to find a spirit there that startles her. She begins yelling for her husband and he comes rushing down. Edith explains what she saw. Thomas and Lucille explain that she must have been seeing things and that she needed rest because she was ill.
The next day Thomas takes his wife into town to the post office to get some fresh air. Edith picks up some messages she had gotten from America, and one mysteriously from Italy. Thomas and Edith get snowed in and have to spend the night in town. In the evening Edith explains how she wants to leave and live somewhere else like London, Paris or Milan. When she mentions Milan Thomas goes silent for awhile.
The couple returns back from the house where Edith finds Lucille who has a rage fit. As Lucille is trying to cover up her fit, Edith takes a key on Lucille’s key ring to the box she had found in the basement.
Edith ventures into the basement and opens up the box, finding envelopes, each one labeled with a different city. Quickly she gets out of there and on her way to her room
Lucille Sharpe (Jessica Chastain), Thomas Sharpe (Tom Hiddleston), Edith Cushing (Mia Wasikowska), and Dr. Alan McMichael(Charlie Hunnam)
she hears Lucille calling for her. She rushes to her room, hides the envelopes, and sits on her chair feigning to be feeling ill, she asks Lucille to get her a glass of water, replacing the key on her key ring while Lucille is gone.
In the envelopes are tapes, Edith finds out that she is slowly being poisoned from the tea Lucille serves her,due to a woman on the tape said that she was being poisoned from the tea. And she begins refusing the tea. Thomas tells Edith not to drink the tea as well.
Skipping forward, Edith yet again awakens one night and finds a spirit hovering and carrying the spirit of an infant as well. She asks it what it wants, and the spirit points in the direction of a hallway in which Edith follows. Through the hallway Edith finds her husband and his sister Lucille sharing affections. Edith runs out of the room, followed by Lucille and Thomas in the rear. Lucille pushes Edith off of a landing, Edith landing in some snow on the floor below.
Edith wakes up heavily drugged and she sees a food friend of hers, Dr. Alan McMichael in front of her. He asks for a moment alone with his patient and Lucille and Thomas leave, heading into the kitchen. Lucille grabs a knife and asks her brother if he’d be the one this time.
Alan attempts to flee after picking Edith up, but they run into Thomas and Lucille on their way out the door. Lucille stabs Alan under his arm, in his torso, she leaves Alan for Thomas to finish. Thomas says to Alan “If I don’t do this, she will. You’re the doctor, tell me where.” Alan moves Thomas’s hand so the knife is lined up with his abdomen. Thomas then Stabs Alan.
Back in the entryway of the house Edith, obviously mortified, puts the pieces of the puzzle together herself, figuring out that Thomas and Lucille had killed their mother in the house, and they had poisoned and killed other women without any lasting family members in attempt to gain their fortune for their own uses. She realized the ghosts she sees in the house along with her mothers back at home were warning her from this unfortunate series of events, that they were trying to protect her.
Thomas takes Alan down to the basement for him to be temporarily rescued from danger, as he had just been stabbed twice and faking his death.
Lucille takes Edith up to her room where She cuts a strand of Edith’s hair, braids it and places it in a drawer with several other locks of hair done in the same way. While Lucille awaits Edith to sign a paper. All of a sudden Edith takes her pen and stabs Lucille in the chest with it, running away to the elevator where she runs into Thomas. Ready to stab Thomas as well Edith brings down her arm. However, Thomas stops it and answers Edith’s angry questions and statements before he tells her to leave.
Thomas goes into Lucille’s room and they have an argument, leading to Lucille stabbing Thomas twice in the chest and once in the cheek, making a cringing crunching noise. Thomas pulls the knife out before he dies.Lucille now maddened with her actions, blames Edith and goes on a search to find her.
Edith rushes to the basement to the word of Thomas in the elevator and finds her friend, injured, but alive. they hide while Lucille comes down and moves a tile in the floor, pulling out a meat cleaver.
Edith Stands up, and runs away to distract Lucille from her injured friend which she doesn’t know is still alive and hiding. and she Runs outside and hides. The girls go at it in a very intense battle of fighting, when Lucille knocks the knife out of Edith’s hand. Edith then grabs a shovel and Lucille explains that only one of them will be making it out alive.
Edith tells Lucille to look behind her, Lucille slowly turns and sees the Spirit of her newly dead brother standing behind her. Edith takes this distraction and smashes Lucille in the head twice with the shovel, killing Lucille.
Edith goes up to Thomas’s ghastly figure and places her hand on his bleeding cheek, before Thomas vanishes.
The ending of the movie consists of Edith and Alan stumbling towards the arch of the property and towards a group of townspeople that Alan advised to come before he left to save Edith from the house earlier. Then there is a brief scene showing Lucille playing the piano in her ghostly form before the end credits appear on the screen.
Now obviously there is more to this story than what I have just previously explained, but, all in all, the movie was full of surprises and foreshadowing of events that were to be taken place, now as my friends and I look back on the movie, we realize more and more of the plot as we let it sink into our minds.
It is a very entertaining movie for people who like to think and guess the upcoming events. I would definitely recommend it if the topic at hand interests you.