The Fascinating Life of Megan Blase

Rylee Thompson


My alarm goes off at 5:45 every morning. I roll over and turn it off, going back to bed like always. I waste 15 minutes doing nothing. All I eat is cinnamon toast crunch cereal. I’m not a morning person, i’m exhausted and would rather sleep in then wake up at the same time for 200 days in a row to go to a stupid jail place. I sleep walk to the lonely street lamp i stand and wait under. The bus roars down my quiet street at 6:52, and I trudge on, taking a seat. I have never talked to a single person on my bus the entire year. I turn on some Animal Collective and Death Grips, sleeping as long as possible.


At exactly 7:20 the bus pulls up to Blaine High School. My locker is one of those blue freshman ones everyone loves. I throw my stuff in and grab whatever I need for my first hour Drawing class with Ms. Schenk. I leave my friends when the two minute bell rings. This is my favorite class because I sit by my best friend, and we don’t do very much in this class. Most of the time I am just watching Law and Order on Netflix. After an hour of drawing class I yell at people in the hall to move faster, and just to get out of my way in general.


Sometimes I hum to myself because i know nobody can hear me. The school day passes by slow because it’s just people talking and talking, and my phone dies by second hour. This means I actually have to listen and it sucks. My English class is the most important for resumes and job applications. IED (Intro to Engineering and Design) Is the most pointless class for life. I literally just read packets and make blocks on some program on the computers. I think everyone else hates it as much as I do. Wait no, I know everyone does.
For lunch I eat with my friends Tori and Pachia, and a mysterious stranger from India. We eat wherever we can find a spot. Some of the food isn’t that good so its PB&J all the way. Everything else is actually terrible except for corn dogs. When the bell rings at 2:20 all I feel is happiness. I run to my locker in a frenzy, and I grab my bag and am out the doors, pretending I don’t have to come back the next day. Megan