Spooky Ghost


If you go to school at Blaine High School, you have probably heard about the story of Alana. She supposedly committed suicide in 1978 after being bullied by fellow classmates. It is said that now Alana haunts the hallways after hours, following those brave enough to be alone in the building with the mysterious footsteps behind them. The janitors confirm the rumors about the dead girl, confessing hearing the slammings of lockers late at night, and doors inexplicably locking behind them.

We interviewed several people on the legend of the school, and one response from a student named Austin Loher, was “Ghosts don’t exist.” Really Austin? Do they really not exist? I guess we’ll find out. Mr. Nick, a science teacher here at Blaine High School, has one of the best stories of this mysterious ghost Alana. The story was told to his science class on October 31st, Halloween.  He claims he was staying after school one day to grade papers, and first encountered the ghost while stepping into an elevator and felt cool breath on his neck. He tipped his Fedora as he thought that ghosts don’t exist. The lights then went out, and the doors opened on the wrong floor several times.

Thinking nothing of this, Mr. Nick continued to make copies of papers in the library. On the way back up to his science room, he walked past some masks hanging on the wall in the art rooms. Looking closer, he saw a face in the glass. Nothing to worry about, right? Just another mask painted by some talented high schoolers. Wrong. Leaning closer in,  he saw her. A girl with long dark hair and a pale face. Few will choose to believe the story of the girl, much less that she allegedly haunts the halls of Blaine.


