Nerf Gun War

Nerf Gun War

The newest, intense mania over Blaine high school’s students is the “Nerf War”. This idea was sparked by a few junior girls earlier this spring. Students participating can use as many Nerf guns as they want. All guns or other weapons must be Nerf brand as well. It all began on Monday, May 5th, where 20 teams with 5 members each started the war. In order to participate each member playing must add 5$ to the final grand prize, which after collection all the money was roughly 500$.

Now of course there are a few rules to this madness. First off, school is a
safe zone from 7:15 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Also, if there is a sporting event happening or you are participating in your own extracurricular activity, you are considered to be in a safe zone. The gym, work, and parties are off limits too. Each team must “stay active” by killing one person, or more a week or their entire team will be eliminated.

After 3 days of war, only 60 students remain. Minnetonka high school has also been having a nerf war for the past three months, and it is still not close to being over. They started with a little over 800 participants with a grand prize of over 3000$. As you can see this is very serious.

There are rumors of new reviving rules coming out as well, but these are not occurring yet. The only members that may be revived are those with team members still left in the game. Or in other words, if your whole team is out you are never living again.

4 teams are completely out. There are 5 teams with full strength still. This Nerf war has caused paranoia in the students lives. It also is causing drama and stress within the social element of the game. So if you see students with nerf guns acting paranoid do not be alarmed.