How did Imagine Dragons Dominate the Music Industry?

How did Imagine Dragons Dominate the music industry?
written by Joel Freecheck, Media Reviewer
How did Radioactive become the third most downloaded song of 2013? Or Demons become the sixth, with both not even hitting the #1 spot of the Billboard Hot 100? Are songs that stay on the list for the longest larger than the ones sitting in the #1 spot?
The answer to that is no, yet they seem to come close, or at least Imagine Dragons songs do. According to Billboard USA, Radioactive, the Dragon’s #1 song was on the list for more than 60 weeks. And in the top ten for half that, managing to rack up over 6,000,000 downloads on ITunes alone. The only songs above Radioactive are Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke and Thrift Shop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Each one securely placed at 30 weeks in the #1 spot. Demons, Imagine Dragon’s second largest hit, has been downloaded more than 3 million times, and has just reached the 30 week mark. On the Billboard Hot 100 chart, Radioactive peaked at third place during it’s time and Demons is still growing in popularity. Soon many predict that Radioactive may become the longest running song on the Hot 100 chart, competing with Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours” that had pulled off over 76 weeks on the list back in 2008. Demon’s is speculated to reach #4 on the Hot 100 before the end of the year.
With the recent win of an AMA Best New Alternative Rock Band of 2013, Imagine Dragons surely has something going for them. Sadly, they will not be releasing a new album until the end of 2014, but are hoping to gain more fans through world tours. Once the album comes out though, I will most likely be one of the first to purchase it.
—- Updated —-
As of May 2014, Imagine Dragon’s smash hit “Radioactive” is now the longest running song in history on the Billboard Charts at 87 weeks, sold more than 7 million digital copies and is the best-selling rock song of all time.
“Demons” was Imagine Dragon’s second top ten song to have charted, selling over 3.5 million times and has remained on the charts for over a year now as of May 2014.
Imagine Dragons have since won one Grammy Award for Best Rock Performance, five Billboard Music Awards, a Premios Principales Award, a Teen choice award and the AMA already stated in this article.
Thanks for reading, Joel Freecheck, Media Reviewer.