The BHS Blank Hallways
January 7, 2016
I know this topic may be strange but recently at Blaine High School in the month of December I noticed how dull the school hallways and walls were and it really quite confused me. I’ve done a bit of research on the school and noticed maybe just a few things by the office and some other posters rarely around the school. The most dullest part is the where the 9th-grade lockers
are, as you can see this picture to the very right, there is literally nothing! So I’ve asked a couple people on this topic, but I haven’t interviewed teacher or an adult. I asked one of my friends since the 6th grade, Pablo Alfini, “Pablo, what do you think of the lack of school designs on the walls and hallways?”, “There isn’t a lot of decorations, it’s quite an explicit school,” He replied. Then I went to another friend and he actually had a different side to this topic, I was actually impressed because this is a topic you don’t hear everyday. So I asked Mahdi Mohammed, “What do you think of the school’s designs on the walls and hallways?”, “They put a lot of interesting stuff on the walls, I like how they put the news by the office, and I like the huge picture by the gym showing people that went to BHS and now they’re in a Major League sport. This school has a lot of neat things.” So now I guess people have different sides to my argument! I asked one of the people that sits right next to me, Nicolas Falgetelli also shown in the picture to the right, agreed that BHS has blank hallways.
- shows a great reasoning on why we should put more bright and colorful artwork in the halls.
- this article is showing every student painting their lockers as their favorite books! BHS needs to do something like this.
- This fellow BHS student clearly bickers the same argument as I do in mine. He compares the BHS hallways with the 50 lane highway in Beijing which is quite hilarious!
But the real question is who could make a change to our hallways? The only people I can think of that would be more willing to is the art teachers. We have many options and possibilities to do with our hallways. It would just take a day to have the whole school decorate the hallways to make a better point of view, just one day! Just imagine yourself as a student walking in from the doors and seeing a bright artful picture, it may make them have a different mood and look forward for the long day! If you agree with my argument please tell me so we can make a change!