Bands In Town

Avery Troy and Sam Auman, BHS Blueprint Staff


Bandsintown is a free app that gives you a heads up whenever an artist that you like is coming to a concert near you. On the front page you see a long list of concerts and you can choose between tracked artists, which are the most known artists in the area, or the most recommended which gives you a list of all the the concerts around your area and everyone who is playing.

The app allows you to choose your desired location and within a few seconds it comes up with multiple different shows and concerts that are within your range. You can select a section called “tonight” and that will bring you to all the shows that are that day or in that week. If you’re not satisfied with the artist that they recommend for you, then you can click “artists” and there you can search any singer you want. Also you can search for the most popular singers and bands that other people really like.

The best part about this app is that if you are really interested in going to a certain concert that you see, it will lead you to a different website to buy tickets! All you need to do for this amazing app is sign up with your email account, it promises not to ever contact that email, and then you can see all of your favorite artists close to where you live.