The Misadventures of the Green Triangle – Episode 6 – Bananas are difficult to read


Dereck Larson, Staff writer


“Hope for the best, expect the worse, and write when your bored”

The dinner alarm went of, Green Triangle, Red Cube, and Blue Circle, rush toward the kitchen. The dinner was pot roast, a meal that is loved by all in the land where Green Triangle lives. Outside a gentle blanket of snow was beginning to fall, and the clock read 6:27. While the food was being served, it came to their attention that there was no milk in the fridge. Mainly because Green Triangle sleep-drinks. So Red Cube and Green Triangle quickly gathered their coats, and began a trip to the local farmer’s market.

Along the pathway, they meet a hooded figure, who’s face would not be revealed, it warned, “Beware, beware of the one who neglects the crops”.

Slowly Green Triangle and Red Cube turned to look at each other, when they looked back, the figure disappeared without a trace.

In The Marketplace, Green Triangle took a shopping cart, and started along the produce isle, Red Cube however, found the check-out candy, and sat there, staring.

As Green Triangle filled his cart with necessities of fruits and vegetables, he saw Bronze Coin, (Ironically nicknamed Penny) looking at the selection of identical apples. Both being Red-Delicious apples, one however priced at over Eight Hundred Dollars, while the other a reasonable price of One, forty-nine. Moving along he reached his destination in the Dairy Isle. Upon seeing the halls of cheeses, milk, and butter, Green Triangle nearly fainted. Green Triangle grabbed three, two-gallon milk jugs, one being, Whole milk, one being 2%, and another skim.

Back at the Check out station, Red Cube has gotten the courage to pick up a candy bar for inspection, the wrapper read “Generic Candy Bar” with no other information, having confidently made his selection, he went in search for his companion. After searching down two different isles, he promptly  paid for his treat, and left The Marketplace.

After paying for the groceries, again, Green Triangle made a call out to Red Cube, in hopes that he has not wandered off too far. When he seen the mysterious figure once more, running as fast as it could, across the edge of the forest. The strange figure appeared to drop a small leather bag, tied close by red string. Green Triangle called out to the Mysterious Figure, as it turned toward our hero, it faded away.

Green Triangle set down his own bag, and picked up the small pouch. he untied the know, and found three different colored beans, one of green, one of orange, and one of purple. Inside also contained a note, “To whomever it may concern, these beans are extremely dangerous, do not: consume, plant, burn, drown, sell, buy, or any other reasonable verb concerning beans. Farewell world, X”

Completely ignoring this note, Green Triangle tossed it away, tied the string, and went home with his Groceries.

When Green Triangle returned home, it no longer existed, the house was burned down, because some one forgot to turn off the oven …

To be Continued.


Dereck Larson

“A story line has been revealed? :O Shocking”