Cyber bullying on Twitter


Jordan Fleek sticking up to bhs Twitter account

Kailyn Kallestad



Imagine coming home from school one day and Like every other teen, You went on twitter and was scrolling through when you saw that someone had tweeted that you were “fat and needed braces so you wouldn’t look so much like a rat.” Just think, how would you feel?

Twitter has become one of Blaine high schools easiest ways to cyber bully. BHS snapchats, BHS anonymous, and many more accounts are set up just for people to send in gossip, rumors, and embarrassing pictures or comments about other students.

Jordan Fleek said “I feel like BHS Twitter accounts are never positive, they only bully people. They think what’s said is funny, and not hurtful to the ones who are getting teased.” instead of students sitting back and watching others get bullied, Students should be sticking up for others around them to try to stop all of the mean things that people say or do.

Madie Pererson said “cyber bullying is a main reason for teen suicide and BHS twitter pages are not helping that issue. I think that its immature and students should stick up to them and try to make it stop!” In the future lets make twitter accounts more positive. Telling students how awesome they are instead of making horrible comments and hurting each others feelings.