Through The Eyes Of Google Glass



In the tech world, Google Glass has been welcomed into existence with mixed emotions. While it hasn’t been released to the public yet (Google is shooting for a mid-2014 release date) they have been running an extensive pilot testing program so that the general public has the opportunity to be a “Google Glass Explorer,” and essentially be a beta tester. While some people have heard of and been following the story of Google Glass, most of the world has never heard of or even seen one. For those of you that haven’t yet heard about Google Glass, it is a set of glasses with a very small device on the right side of the lenses that allows for picture and video taking. It also sports a small projector that has the capability of showing the weather and time, at the most basic level, all the way up to projecting your social media feeds,and text messages.

Google Glass has a lot of potential for good and bad use. Even students could experience many benefits from using Google Glass. The Glasses could be used to take video of demonstrations done by teachers, or to project a book or textbook for student’s use in Math or English.

While Google Glass could be used to help benefit students, they could also have a negative impact on schools with a possibility of more students cheating on tests due to the glasses having the capability of displaying notes on them. Also, students could also use them to look at their social media feeds in class when they are supposed to be doing work. Whatever your opinion is of Google Glass, it is up to the individual to decide if these very unique glasses are a good fit for our world.

To become part of Google Glass’ Explorer testing program, Google is asking for a hefty $1500 to purchase a pair now, but next year they are expected to be released at around $299. To read more about Google Glass, you can click the link to access the official site.